Wednesday, February 9, 2011

DLC before Games hits the stores?

Why do Game Company's put DLC on sale before the game is out? Ive now seen this happen with "Dead Space" and "Test Drive Unlimited 2" Can't Game Company's just wait for the game to come out?

This really pee's me off,is it something they forgot to put in the game,and now want cash for it?
What are your feeling about this?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Free Xbox Live over the weekend Jan 28th to Jan 31st

Want to get a look into the world of xboxlive? If so why not try it out on the weekend.
If your a xboxlive user already,why not try and get your mates online.
Free weekend is from Jan 28th to the Jan 31st.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sneak peek of the Black Ops First Strike Map Pack

Want to get a sneak peek of the Black Ops First Strike Map pack before they hit the xboxlive marketplace on February 1st?
If so head over to the Call Of Duty Intel website. 
Were they will be updating the website with First Strike Map Intel to the run up to February 1st.

Crysis 2 Multiplayer Trailer

Ive been waiting a long time to see Crysis come to xbox360, and i cant wait to get my hand on the demo.
A Crysis 2 multiplayer demo will be released exclusively via Xbox LIVE on Tuesday, January 25, EA has announced.
Preorder Crysis 2 (Xbox 360)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Do you play indie game's?

XBL Indie game's
Most of you have come across or seen the Indie game's on XBL marketplace.My question is,how may of you really play them or buy them?
I myself only download the demos if the front cover looks good and the screenshots,but i never buy the full game.
So do you bay any indie games?

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